Back in 2005, a group of young engineering students studying at LIT Nagpur University were driven by an innocent dream that they too could bring about a change in someone else’s life. Like many of us, the founder of Ursday Organisation, Heetesh, was too upset when he saw the disparities between the rich and poor people, especially among the young children and mothers. The children had no source of education and worked as labourers and servants, while the mothers turned into prostitutes by night, to provide bread and butter for the family. Unlike most of us though, he, along with some of his friends did something about it. They started going to these areas after their normal classes to help the children read and write, and raised funds whenever they could in the college for their families.

UrsDay started while they were still in college!

Till today, even though we talk about development in India, there are still a lot of underpriveledged families who are mistreated or simply don’t have anybody to empower them. UrsDay Organisation was started for the sole purpose of making sure that these weaker sections of the society too can have an equal rights to becoming successful by themselves.

Although starting and maintaining an NGO is difficult, it was Heetesh’s passion and conviction that drove UrsDay Organisation to what it is today. The concept of UrsDay comes from “Your’s Day” which basically means that it is “your day” to bring about the change you want to see in the world. So, our tagline is “Today is Ursday!”

we have to them those poor families to realise that “Today is yours day”- Today is Ursday!