Many people want to help poor families, want to participate in any events or activities for NGO. But, there are a lot constraint like good money but no Time, no money & no time but creative writing speaking skills/arts. So, here is solution if u genuinely want to help society or NGO who is working for same cause.

you can write us- or send quick queries, if u wish to support in following ways-

  1. physical volunteer for UrsDay events/activities
  2. planning new creative event/idea incubation
  3. Right to information procedure
  4. help in legal process
  5. help in creating effective motivational writing- articles/hordings/books/published docs
  6. process of getting social support
  7. website content writing/ article will be realised on
  8. process of getting social projects from government & different other institutions
  9. financial supports- 
  10.  sharing new ideas to make our society better place
  11. be a part of UrsDay Social Innovation centre (USI)
  12. social media awareness program (share info on Facebook,twitter)
  13.  any other innovative help 

this your sincere help will make huge impact in society & will create beautiful amazing days of those poor families…. you will changing their days… convincing them as “Today is UrsDay”……


please fill following form send for the registration through email:


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